Thursday, 26 November 2009
Hoy he tenido que volver a llevar a mi cobaya Hemingway al veterinario. Hace 8 dias le operaron de un absceso en la tripa y ahora que por fin la herida empezaba a curarse, le hemos visto otros 3 abscesos alrededor del que le han extirpado. Mañana le operan de nuevo y, como todas las operaciones, tiene su riesgo y no nos garantizan que se recupere. Espero que se ponga bien porque le queremos mucho y su compañero de jaula, Ziggy, le echa mucho de menos (tienen que estar separados desde a operacion y Ziggy no se mueve de la pared que les separa)
This morning I took my guinea pig Hemingway to the vet again. 8 days ago he went under surgery to remove an abscess in his tummy. He was looking quite good and was almost himself again: a little fatty grumpy thing. After the vet said the would was healing very well I realized he had developed 3 more abscesses near the one that was removed. So tomorrow he is going to have surgery again. As with every surgery, there are risks and the vets can't guarantee he's going to be OK after it. I hope everything goes well as he is a very beloved pet and his cage-mate is already missing him very much (they're separated and Ziggy stays next to Hemi's cage all the time)
Hemingway comiendo su comida favorita: hierba.
Hemingway eating his favourite food: grass.
Hemingway y Ziggy durante la siesta.
Hemingway and Ziggy during their nap.
Lo siento mucho Laura,
tus mascotas son una preciosidad,
seguro que sale todo bien,
Laura, ya verascomo todo sale bien.
Oh, poor Hemingway! He is so beautiful. I hope the vet can make him well. Squeaks from my guinea pigs Cheryl and Kevin.
Muchas gracias por vuestro apoyo. Lo que me da miedo es que sigan saliendo abscesos porque acabo de ver uno que no estaba este mediodia.
Thanks Susan for your support. I hope your piggies NEVER have Hemi's problems. Ziggy had one and didn't even have to have surgery. It healed so well. JD, my other piggie has never been in the vet (touch wood)
hola te he leído en el foro de tus miniaturas, y me pase por aquí para darte ánimos, te comprendo muy bien yo tengo un perro y en cuanto le pasa cualquier cosa lo sufrimos como cualquier miembro mas de la familia,
espero que todo saliese bien.
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