Hemigway no ha vuelto a casa

Friday, 27 November 2009

El veterinario ha llamado para decirnos que los abscesos de Hemingway estaban muy profundos y pegados a los musculos. Las probabilidades de que se recuperara despues de la operacion eran muy bajas y hubiese tenido dolores durante varios dias, para posiblemente terminar sacrificandolo. Asi que como se dice en ingles "le han puesto a dormir" mientras estaba anestesiado.

Hemos hecho todo lo que hemos podido y creo que ha sido una cobaya feliz. Le compramos porque nos dio pena (un tipo lo queria comprar para criar y luego decidio que ya no lo queria y con 7 meses era demasiado "viejo" para venderlo) y le hemos dado todo lo que ha necesitado. Incluso cuando nos mudamos de casa un requisito era el jardin para que las cobayas tuviesen hierba todos los dias... El ultimo buen recuerdo que tengo de Hemi es de ayer, de cuando estuvo tumbado junto a mi mientras veia una pelicula conmigo y comiendose su lechuga y robandome las zanahorias que yo me estaba comiendo.

Hemingway hasn't come home today. The vet phone to say that the abscesses were very deep inside and stuck to the muscles. He would have had almost no chances of getting well after the operation and he would have been in lots of pain for days. So he has been puto to sleep.

We have done all we could and I believe he as been a happy guinea pig. We bought him because we felt sorry for him (he was going to be bought for breeding and then the bloke decided not to, so he was 7 months and too old to be sold) We have given him all he needed like a house with a garden so he could have fresh grass every day (garden was a must when we decided to move houses) and medical treatment. The last good memory I have about him was from yesterday when he satyed with me when I was watching a film while he was eating his lettuce and stealing from my hands the carrots I was eating.

Poco despues de comprarlos. Ziggy tenia 3 meses (todavia era baby) y Hemingway 7.

Hemingway and Ziggy soon after we got them. Ziggy was 3 months old (still a baby)and Hemingway 7.

Estoy triste, Hemingway necesita otra operacion

Thursday, 26 November 2009

Hoy he tenido que volver a llevar a mi cobaya Hemingway al veterinario. Hace 8 dias le operaron de un absceso en la tripa y ahora que por fin la herida empezaba a curarse, le hemos visto otros 3 abscesos alrededor del que le han extirpado. Mañana le operan de nuevo y, como todas las operaciones, tiene su riesgo y no nos garantizan que se recupere. Espero que se ponga bien porque le queremos mucho y su compañero de jaula, Ziggy, le echa mucho de menos (tienen que estar separados desde a operacion y Ziggy no se mueve de la pared que les separa)

This morning I took my guinea pig Hemingway to the vet again. 8 days ago he went under surgery to remove an abscess in his tummy. He was looking quite good and was almost himself again: a little fatty grumpy thing. After the vet said the would was healing very well I realized he had developed 3 more abscesses near the one that was removed. So tomorrow he is going to have surgery again. As with every surgery, there are risks and the vets can't guarantee he's going to be OK after it. I hope everything goes well as he is a very beloved pet and his cage-mate is already missing him very much (they're separated and Ziggy stays next to Hemi's cage all the time)

Hemingway comiendo su comida favorita: hierba.
Hemingway eating his favourite food: grass.

Hemingway y Ziggy durante la siesta.
Hemingway and Ziggy during their nap.

Despues de una larga temporada...

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

No se como ha pasado pero el resultado han sido varios meses de inactividad. Supongo que todo empezo no poniendo fotos, seguido de no sacar fotos y terminando con no hacer minis. Estos ultimos meses han sido un poco decepcionantes y no he estado con ganas de hacer miniaturas porque tenia otras cosas en la cabeza. Despues de mucho pensar he llegado a la conclusion de que tengo que hacer algo con las cosas que no me gustan en mi vida, y con un poco de suerte encontrare otro trabajo mejor en el que se nos trate como nos merecemos.
De momento os dejo unas fotos de cosas nuevas y "viejas". La tarta de naranja y la de platano las hice en septiembre. Los "cupcakes" de limon, las trufas gigantes y los macaroons franceses los he hecho en las ultimas semanas.

I just don't know how it happened, but it's been a long time without making miniatures. I suppose it started with no posting pictures followed by not taking pictures. And that led to not making minis. These months have been quite crazy and upsetting, specially at work. After thinking quite a lot I think I'm again in control of my life and hopefully I'll get a better job.
In the picture you can see some "old" things and some new ones. The orange layered cake and the banana pie were made in September. The lemon cupcakes, the giant truffles and the macaroons have been made during the last weeks.