Saturday, 12 December 2009
Esto es lo que compre en la feria de Kenisgton el 21 de noviembre.
This is what I bought at the Kensington Dollshouse Festival on the 21st of Novembre. The Miniature Garden Centre.
Miniatures I make and collect in 1/12 scale
Esto es lo que compre en la feria de Kenisgton el 21 de noviembre.
This is what I bought at the Kensington Dollshouse Festival on the 21st of Novembre. The Miniature Garden Centre.
Posted by Laura at 18:18 5 comments
Posted by Laura at 23:11 8 comments
El veterinario ha llamado para decirnos que los abscesos de Hemingway estaban muy profundos y pegados a los musculos. Las probabilidades de que se recuperara despues de la operacion eran muy bajas y hubiese tenido dolores durante varios dias, para posiblemente terminar sacrificandolo. Asi que como se dice en ingles "le han puesto a dormir" mientras estaba anestesiado.
Hemos hecho todo lo que hemos podido y creo que ha sido una cobaya feliz. Le compramos porque nos dio pena (un tipo lo queria comprar para criar y luego decidio que ya no lo queria y con 7 meses era demasiado "viejo" para venderlo) y le hemos dado todo lo que ha necesitado. Incluso cuando nos mudamos de casa un requisito era el jardin para que las cobayas tuviesen hierba todos los dias... El ultimo buen recuerdo que tengo de Hemi es de ayer, de cuando estuvo tumbado junto a mi mientras veia una pelicula conmigo y comiendose su lechuga y robandome las zanahorias que yo me estaba comiendo.
Hemingway hasn't come home today. The vet phone to say that the abscesses were very deep inside and stuck to the muscles. He would have had almost no chances of getting well after the operation and he would have been in lots of pain for days. So he has been puto to sleep.
We have done all we could and I believe he as been a happy guinea pig. We bought him because we felt sorry for him (he was going to be bought for breeding and then the bloke decided not to, so he was 7 months and too old to be sold) We have given him all he needed like a house with a garden so he could have fresh grass every day (garden was a must when we decided to move houses) and medical treatment. The last good memory I have about him was from yesterday when he satyed with me when I was watching a film while he was eating his lettuce and stealing from my hands the carrots I was eating.
Poco despues de comprarlos. Ziggy tenia 3 meses (todavia era baby) y Hemingway 7.
Hemingway and Ziggy soon after we got them. Ziggy was 3 months old (still a baby)and Hemingway 7.
Posted by Laura at 22:32 9 comments
Hoy he tenido que volver a llevar a mi cobaya Hemingway al veterinario. Hace 8 dias le operaron de un absceso en la tripa y ahora que por fin la herida empezaba a curarse, le hemos visto otros 3 abscesos alrededor del que le han extirpado. Mañana le operan de nuevo y, como todas las operaciones, tiene su riesgo y no nos garantizan que se recupere. Espero que se ponga bien porque le queremos mucho y su compañero de jaula, Ziggy, le echa mucho de menos (tienen que estar separados desde a operacion y Ziggy no se mueve de la pared que les separa)
This morning I took my guinea pig Hemingway to the vet again. 8 days ago he went under surgery to remove an abscess in his tummy. He was looking quite good and was almost himself again: a little fatty grumpy thing. After the vet said the would was healing very well I realized he had developed 3 more abscesses near the one that was removed. So tomorrow he is going to have surgery again. As with every surgery, there are risks and the vets can't guarantee he's going to be OK after it. I hope everything goes well as he is a very beloved pet and his cage-mate is already missing him very much (they're separated and Ziggy stays next to Hemi's cage all the time)
Hemingway comiendo su comida favorita: hierba.
Hemingway eating his favourite food: grass.
Hemingway y Ziggy durante la siesta.
Hemingway and Ziggy during their nap.
Posted by Laura at 18:25 5 comments
No se como ha pasado pero el resultado han sido varios meses de inactividad. Supongo que todo empezo no poniendo fotos, seguido de no sacar fotos y terminando con no hacer minis. Estos ultimos meses han sido un poco decepcionantes y no he estado con ganas de hacer miniaturas porque tenia otras cosas en la cabeza. Despues de mucho pensar he llegado a la conclusion de que tengo que hacer algo con las cosas que no me gustan en mi vida, y con un poco de suerte encontrare otro trabajo mejor en el que se nos trate como nos merecemos.
De momento os dejo unas fotos de cosas nuevas y "viejas". La tarta de naranja y la de platano las hice en septiembre. Los "cupcakes" de limon, las trufas gigantes y los macaroons franceses los he hecho en las ultimas semanas.
I just don't know how it happened, but it's been a long time without making miniatures. I suppose it started with no posting pictures followed by not taking pictures. And that led to not making minis. These months have been quite crazy and upsetting, specially at work. After thinking quite a lot I think I'm again in control of my life and hopefully I'll get a better job.
In the picture you can see some "old" things and some new ones. The orange layered cake and the banana pie were made in September. The lemon cupcakes, the giant truffles and the macaroons have been made during the last weeks.
Posted by Laura at 13:26 7 comments
Ya se que parecen compras compulsivas, y quizas lo sean, pero es que no me puedo resistir! Me gustaba la idea de hacer una cocina (o casa algun dia) tipo Ikea y esta es perfecta. Y cuando encontre la caja para hacer escenas ya no hubo mas dudas ni excusas. Todavia esta todo un poco provisional: tengo que poner papeles y suelos, hacer baldas, buscar un horno y frigorifico, poner una mesa que quede bien y, por supuesto, hacer un monton de comida y detalles!
I know it looks like another of my compulsive buys, and maybe it is, but I can't help it! I liked the idea of making an Ikea style kitchen scene (or a dolls house one day) and this kitchen was perfect for it. When I found the scene box there were no more doubts or excuses. I still have lots to do: put a nice wallpaper and floor, make some shelves, find an oven and a fridge, find a nice table and, of course, make lots of food and details!
Posted by Laura at 09:34 7 comments
Casi todas las miniaturas que hecho estos dias llevan merengue. De momento os pongo porque las demas no han salido bien y el tiempo de Londres no acompaña para sacar mas.
The most of the miniatures I have made recently have "meringure". I think I can officially call myself "addicted to meringue". For now I post 3 pictures, as the other pictures weren't good enough and the weather in London won't let me take good pictures.
Merengues de moca.
Mocha meringues.
Tarta de limon.
Lemon cake.
Tarta de fresa.
Strawberry cake.
Posted by Laura at 18:22 7 comments
Labels: comidas/food
Se me olvido la camara de fotos asi que las unicos fotos que puedo poner son las de mis compras.
I forgot my camera at home so the only photos you can see are the pictures of the things I bought.
Country Treasures.
Country Contrast.
The little dollhouse company.
Apollo Miniatures.
Una replica del un calentador de agua "Ascot", de Jennifers of Walsall.
An "Ascot" boiler, from .
Blue Riband - JLB
Una vitrina de Bespaq, comprada a Sid Cooke Dolls Houses.
A Bespaq vitrine, bought from Sid Cooke Dolls Houses.
Angela Jones.
Posted by Laura at 21:52 5 comments
Labels: ferias/fairs
Hoy ha sido un dia muy productivo, cosa que no suele pasarme demasiado porque la rara vez que tengo un da libre en el trabajo me paso la mitad del tiempo decidiendo que quiero hacer. Tras unos experimentos fallidos y alguna foto que no salia bien os puedo poner tres de mis creaciones. Hoy, no se por que, me ha dado por las tartas, que nunca me gusta demasiado hacer y la verdad es que las he difrutado muchisimo.
Today has been a very productive day, which doesn't happen very often. Normally I spend half of my few days off tryinig to decide what I am going to make, so I waste half of the day. I've been able to finish three tarts, the others are unfinished or the pictures were horible. I normally don't enjoy very much making cakes as I never know how to make them nice (I just eat them!) but this time I had lots of ideas.
Merengue de limon y frambuesas.
Lemon and raspberry meringue tart.
Merengue de limon.
Lemon curd tart
Tarta de chocolate belga negro.
Deep dark belgian chocolate tart.
Posted by Laura at 22:50 3 comments
Mi ultima creacion, que ya era hora de ir haciendo algo nuevo. Son unas brochetas de pollo con lechuga, naan y salsa de yogurt. Tambien la podeis ver en The Minifood Blog, cuyo link esta a la derecha del blog.
My latest creation, chicken shish kebabs with salad, naan and yogurt sauce. Perfect for the good weather! (Hopefully it will last some more days here in London) It already has been featured in The Minifood Blog. The link can be found on the right of my blog.
Posted by Laura at 21:58 7 comments
Sumaiya, autora de The Mini Food Blog, ha publicado en su fabuloso blog una de mi comida italiana. La verdad es que es un halago estar entre tanta artista asi que os podeis imaginar lo contenta que estoy.Podeis ver la entrada en el siguiente link:
Sumaiya, owner of The Mini Food Blog, has featured my italian food in her fabulous blog. I am very happy as there are many wonderful foodmakers there! You can see the entry in the folloing link:
Posted by Laura at 22:57 4 comments
Aunque me ha costado un poco, ya he sacado las fotos de las cosillas que compre en Semana Santa. Estuve en Bath y tuve la suerte de encontrarme con una tienda de casasitas, asi que no me podia llevar mejor recuerdo.
Although it's been a while since Easter, I didn't take pictures of the things I bought. I went to Bath and I was very lucky because there was a dollhouse shop.
Posted by Laura at 19:58 2 comments
Ya las he pasado pero todavia no termino de creermelo. Mi abuelo se puso malo el pasado domingo y murio el martes dia 5 (que ademas era el cumpleaños de mi abuela). Pasó sus últimos dias rodeado de su familia, que era lo que más quería, y le hemos enterrado en Hinojal (Cáceres) su pueblo. He tenido la suerte de estar en Bilbao de vacaciones y pude despedirme de él. Ahora no tengo ganas de muchas minis asi que tendreis que esperar para ver algo nuevo.
I still can´t believe it. Mi grandpa got ill on Sunday and died on Tuesday 5th (that day was my grandma´s birthday). He spent his last days with his family, he loved us more that anything else. He was buried in Hinojal (Cáceres, Spain), his birthplace and his "real" home. All the family travelled 6 hours each way for the funeral to be in the village for just 24 hours, he´d loved to see all of us together again. I´ve been very lucky to be on holidays in Bilbao as I could see him alive and say goodbye to him. Now I don´t feel in the mood for minis so I you´ll probably have to wait more to see new things.
Posted by Laura at 12:43 5 comments
Ya ha pasado un año más, para mi y para mi blog. Mi cumpleaños fue ayer, ya tengo 27 y en breve tendre que hacer uso de cremas antiarrugas!Y mi blog también cumple años que hace aproximadamente un año que lo empecé. Esta vez no he tenido tiempo de hacer una pequeña tarta de cumpleaños, pero he metido las pastillas de Fimo en mi maleta para estos 12 dias que estoy pasando en Bilbao con mi familia y amigos. Seguro que alguna cosilla cae....
Another year, for me and my blog. Yesterday it was my birthday, I´m 27 now and I need to start thinking on using anti-wrinkle creams! It´s also my blog´s birthday, as it´s more of less a year since I started writing. This time I haven´t had time to make a little birthday cake but I´ve put my Fimo in my suitcase for this 12 days I am going to spend in Bilbao (Spain) with my family and friends. I´m sure I´ll be able to make something...
Posted by Laura at 12:46 8 comments
Por fin he tenido un dia sin demasiado trabajo, asi que he podido hacer algo. Esta vez ha sido el turno de la comida italiana, mas que nada porque como Andy tiene que llevarse el portatil solo me quedaba la propaganda del super y era lo que mas me llamaba. Son unas fritattas de bacon y queso y focaccia con tomates cherry y queso.
At last! I had a day off without much to do at home so I managed to do some minis. This time is italian food. Andy needs the laptop for work so I only had Sainsbury's leaflets. I made some fritattas with bacon and cheese and focaccia with cherry tomatoes and cheese.
Posted by Laura at 00:28 4 comments
Con eso de que no hago mas que trabajar y no puedo hacer minis no me queda mas remedio que comprarlas. Mis caballos llevaban desde mayo en la caja y la verdad es que me daba muchisima pena. No me pude resistir a comprarlo.
As I'm always working and I have no time to make minis I haven't got any other choice than buying them. Mi little horses have been in their boxes since May. I couldn't resist the temptation of buying the stable for them!
Posted by Laura at 14:12 1 comments
Labels: animales/animals, establo/stable
Desde que empezo el 2009 no he podido apenas hacer miniaturas. Ya he empezado a trabajar en el hospital y como estamos escasos de personal casi se puede decir que vivo en el. Pero cuando me queda un ratito y ganas sigo haciendo minis. Estas son mis ultimas creaciones.
Since the start of the new year I haven't been able to make minis. We have opened the hospital and we have a shortage of staff. That's why I spend the most of my day working and it really feels like living in the hospital. But when I have a little bit of time and I feel in the mood for making minis, I still do something. Here are my latest creations:
Biscuits and Butterfly cake.
Chinese food for two: chow mein noodles, spring rolls and sweet and sour pork.
Posted by Laura at 22:57 5 comments
Me han concedido unos premios AWARD, que vienen de parte de Elena (, Debbie (, Mussa (, Paqui ( y mi gran amiga Maite Astiz (
A todas vosotras muchisimas gracias por acordaos de mi!
De momento no voy a dar los premios porque parece que circulan bastantes por ahi, pero cuando se calme el asunto los repartire.
Posted by Laura at 02:15 0 comments
Encontre la casa Buttercup por muy buen precio y enseguida supe que tenia que convertirla en una pasteleria. Pense que no iba a poder montarla hasta dentro de varios meses pero tuve que comprar una estanteria y ya tengo espacio para ella. Aqui podeis ver como va tomando forma, gracias a mi novio Andy, que lijo todas las piezas (cosa que odio hacer).
I got the Buttercup for a few pounds and from the beggining I knew it was going to be a bakery. I thought I was going to have to wait for several months until I could start making it but when I bought a bookcase I needed I made space for the house. Here are some pictures of the first steps. My boyfriend Andy helped me a lot sanding all the pieces, something I really hate doing!
Posted by Laura at 04:56 3 comments
El 2009 no podria haber empezado mejor... han publicado mi tutorial en la revista Miniaturas!
The new year couldn't start better... my tutorial has been published in Miniaturas magazine!
Posted by Laura at 10:19 10 comments